Physical fitness, learning motivation and intellectual intelligence: How does it relate to physical education learning outcomes?



Intellectual intelligence, learning motivation, learning outcomes


The accomplishments of students during the teaching and learning processes in physical education classes are known as learning outcomes. The study design is correlational research, with the goal of determining how motivational factors and intellectual intelligence relate to learning outcomes in physical education. 56 pupils from class VII MTsN 1 Indragiri Hilir provided the sample. The data collection technique used in this study is by test, namely measuring and documentation. Tests and measurements are seen from the results of physical fitness, learning motivation, and intellectual intelligence, while the learning results of physical education are seen from the even semester report card scores for the 2023/2024 school year. The study's findings demonstrated a significant correlation (r) of 0.996 between the variables physical fitness (X1), learning motivation (X2), and intellectual intelligence (X3) on the variables of learning outcomes of physical education and health sports (Y). Learning Motivation (X2) had the highest correlation of any of the variables to the variable. The study's findings support the notion that improving learning outcomes in physical education courses requires a combination of three crucial factors: intellectual competence, learning drive, and physical fitness.




How to Cite

I Wayan Wisnu Ekasaputra, & Prasetyo, Y. (2024). Physical fitness, learning motivation and intellectual intelligence: How does it relate to physical education learning outcomes? . Advances in Health and Exercise, 4(2), 119–123. Retrieved from



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